More Horizons is a registered charitable organisation whose aim is to provide holistic support to individuals and communities to enable them to make conscious lifestyle changes that will help them to better their physical as well as mental well-being. We are here for the people and the community to instigate that change and guide them to make the right choices which will help them to have a better quality of life. We also support individuals to tap into their creative side to make a positive impact on the community. We rely on donations from our supporters and clients as we are a charitable organisation.
Our various programmes such as ‘In Control’ and other group programmes will offer a range of support interventions such as Motivational talks, Yoga and Pilates, Meditation and Mindfulness, Session with Nutritionist and Arts for health sessions (e.g. Bollywood dance workout session).
All our sessions are delivered by facilitators with specialist experience.
Following the significant impact the Covid-19 global pandemic had on individuals around the world, we decided to step in and support all those affected to revive and for resilience. We thrive on the rich assets of our communities and the will power that encourages health and wellbeing amongst individuals and communities. We have invested in an innovative approach that empowers our community and delivers the support they need, when they need it.
Our Remit
The advancement of health and savings lives.
The advancement of citizenship and community development.
The advancement of arts, culture, heritage and science.
The relief of those in need due to ill-health or age or disability, and/or disadvantage.
Our Ethos
We are keen on developing partnerships with Organisations because we believe that while individually we prosper, together we can change the future through collective energy and spirit and make an impact on our population widely. Please get in touch with us and we will be happy to develop new partnerships through new ventures.